The Toulouse Pride Parade 2024

Les Abattoirs take part in the Toulouse Pride Parade 2024

On Saturday 8 June 2024, Les Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse will be taking part in the Toulouse Pride Parade for the second year running, with a float designed by the Bye Bye Binary collective and the multi-disciplinary queer collective Griffes d'Anges.

Since they opened in 2000, creativity, sharing, diversity, education and accessibility have all been words that define Les Abattoirs' commitment to giving meaning to the concept of "living together". They also express the establishment's daily commitment to making this place of culture a place to be experienced by all, to be shared with everyone, while respecting diversity and difference.

Strong in their convictions, Les Abattoirs regularly partners with the LGBTQIA+ community, as shown by the carte blanche given to the PRIDE Toulouse association during the European Night of Museums since 2018. After 2023, Les Abattoirs is renewing its commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community with this new support for the creation of an artistic float that will march in the Toulouse Pride March on Saturday 8 June.

This year, the dressing of this unique float is co-created by the Bye Bye Binary collective and the multidisciplinary queer collective Griffes d'Anges.

Founded in 2018, Bye Bye Binary (BBB) is a Franco-Belgian collective, an educational experiment, a community, a variable typo-graphic creation workshop, a network, an alliance. Its aim is to explore new graphic and typographic forms adapted to the French language, in particular the creation of glyphs (letters, ligatures, median points, linking or symbiotic elements) using inclusive and non-binary language and writing as a starting point, a field for experimentation and a subject for research.

Griffes d'Anges was founded in 2021 out of a shared desire to promote the new queer art scene. The collective aims to be a collaborative space where every art form has the opportunity to express and enrich itself. Couturiers, graphic designers, ballet and voguing dancers, and emerging artists of all kinds are all part of this innovative approach.

At the end of the day, the float will be presented on the Abattoirs forecourt, which will host the official after-party for the queer community of Toulouse and the surrounding area from 6.30pm to 11pm. Admission is by ticket, which can be downloaded free of charge here:

Les Abattoirs would like to thank all the artists, associations and partners who have made this new, original and collective artistic project in support of the LGBTQIA+ community possible.