Terres de Liens at the Abattoirs

How about growing farms?

Les Abattoirs
Free entrance, subject to availability

The values presented in the exhibition Artists & Farmers resonate with those of the Terre de Liens association. The association has therefore been invited to present itself at an evening event at Les Abattoirs.

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Discussion with Terre de Liens, exchanges with video screenings of farm life, and meet the association's staff and volunteers

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Stroll through the photo exhibition "Terriens" in the Abattoirs' reception area, accompanied by a farmers' market aperitif.

Terre de Liens
The Terre de Liens movement is a unique combination of players from civil society, the world of agriculture and the world of solidarity finance. Its originality lies in the combination of a network of associations active throughout France, a solidarity investment company and a public interest foundation.

This network aims to :

Terre de Liens also formulates global projects to protect land, combat land concentration, facilitate farm start-ups and guarantee food sovereignty.

More information: https://terredeliens.org