LabBooks — éd. 2018

Les Abattoirs' Library

LabBooks is a research program that aims to broaden the notion of writing to all dimensions of editorial practice. The exhibition aims to both re-enact the work carried out in 2016-2017 by students from isdaT participating in this research project and to set up a context and tools to pursue and deepen it.

This exhibition seeks to give an account of the LabBooks research program, whose aim is to extend the notion of writing to all dimensions of publishing practice. More precisely, it is a question of approaching "the writing of books" from two points of view, or according to two possible meanings of this expression: it is thus a question of the writing that is deployed in books (or other editorial forms) by their protagonists, or in other words, of what authors, artists, and designers write, through means that are obviously textual, but also graphic and visual.

It is also a question of what the books make happen, that is to say of what the book itself "writes", of what it anticipates and makes possible for its authors and for its receivers, as soon as one considers it not as a completed project but as a score, a programmatic object, a form of writing to be activated.

"LabBooks" is a research program of the isdaT beaux-arts in collaboration with the Abattoirs' Library, coordinated by Laurence Cathala, Sébastien Dégeilh, Jérôme Dupeyrat and Olivier Huz, with the students and graduates of the isdaT. s and graduates of isdaT: Morgane Alaves, Eva Amouriq, Camille Aussibal, Guillaume Berneau, Barthélémy Cardonne, Delphine Cau, Margot Criseo, Marine La Rosa, Marion Lebbe, Liza Maignan, Marine Montagné, Sirima de Resseguier, Jules Rousselet, Hsin Yun Tsai.

As part of the Jeudis des Abattoirs and the 10th edition of WEACT, Pinkpong network.

In partnership with the isdaT beaux-arts of Toulouse.