Works by Jean-Michel Alberola, Oliver Beer, Louis Cane, Jean Dieuzaide, Alekos Fassianos, John Isaacs, Torii Kiyonaga, Mwangi Hutter, Titi Parant, Niki de Saint Phalle, Eric Pougeau, Béatrice Utrilla & Bertrand Arnaud
Curated by William Gourdin and Olivier Cébe
Sponsored by Michel Vilbois, Préfet of the Tarn department.
Château de Ferrières
Rue du Château
81260 Fontrieu
Thursday to Sunday, 3pm to 6pm (last visitors at 5pm).
Reservations only (to ensure the best possible welcome):
by e-mail or telephone (48 hours in advance):
by telephone: 06 85 46 27 92.
Please specify date, time and number of people, and wait for a reply and confirmation by e-mail.